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Sue Szczepkowski - Head of Lower School

Mrs. Sue Szczepkowski于2012年7月1日开始担任Germantown Academy低年级校长. 她拥有丰富的教学和领导经验, 包括在栗山中学担任四年低年级校长(2000-2004). 

Since joining GA, 什切普科夫斯基和低年级教师一直致力于创新, develop, 通过培养和指导教师成为领导者,创造健康的学校氛围,促进教师领导力和专业成长, have an innovative mindset, and meet children where they are. 教师们还参与了总体规划和建设项目,如修补匠实验室、A to Z图书馆和学习共享. Programming like Design Thinking, IDEA (Identity, Diversity, Empathy, Advocacy) curriculum and affinity groups, as well as robust programming like Language Network, Extended Learning Network, 以技能为基础的数学教学用于满足广泛技能的发展需求. Through events like 4th and 5th grade mini-triathlons, 3rd grade Lenape Day, GA Naturally, 欢迎带领学生体验课堂外的学习. 

Prior to her appointment at Germantown Academy, 她在查兹福特当了几年小学老师, Radnor, and Rose Valley, and at The School in Rose Valley, 她是学校董事会和长期规划委员会的成员. Szczepkowski在拉德诺的凯洛格服务学习同行咨询公司做了一年的服务学习顾问. She was also an adjunct faculty member at St. 在约瑟夫大学,她监督专业发展组织,指导和监督费城学区的小班制/平衡读写能力倡议的实习教师.

At Chestnut Hill Academy, she supervised the daily operations, worked with faculty to set and maintain academic standards, curriculum and professional development, served on the admission committee, 是学生和家长教学支持团队的一员,并与全校管理部门合作开展全校倡议. 什切普科夫斯基领导了一个委员会,对学生的评估和评价进行了改革,以反映国家标准和与发展相适应的期望, 并有组织地努力加强全校范围内的多样性倡议.  She left Chestnut Hill Academy in 2004 to begin her family, and currently, with husband, Michael, has three boys.  

Szczepkowski is especially passionate about the GA mission, in which students are Independent in Thought, Confident in Expression, Compassionate in Spirit, Collaborative in Action, and Honorable in Deed. 她说,这些价值观说明了她对教育孩子的深切关注, 以及她如何渴望与教师合作和培养他们, parents, and the larger community.

Szczepkowski在宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)获得了美国文明学士学位和基础教育硕士学位. 她还获得了第二个硕士学位和Gwynedd Mercy College的宾夕法尼亚校长教育领导认证. 2011年,Szczepkowski在苏德顿特许学校和苏德顿地区高中完成了她的行政实习. 

Outside of GA, Szczepkowski是EQuipt People的顾问委员会成员, 一家培训和咨询公司,致力于帮助组织发展员工,创造相互理解的文化. The Listening Path® 是一套已被多家财富100强企业采用的MG冰球突破官网转型倾听的专有系统吗, universities, law firms, and privately-held companies nationwide. 

曲棍球在什切普科夫斯基的生活中扮演了重要的角色. Besides being an accomplished NCAA student-athlete at Penn, she spent six years as the administrator, 他是科罗拉多斯普林斯美国曲棍球协会奥林匹克青年发展项目的现场主任和总教练. 自2007年以来,她还担任宾夕法尼亚大学曲棍球校友委员会的多个职位.